Monogram Monday: The Shadow Returns (1946)

Kane Richmond stars as Lamont Cranston in the first entry in a short Monogram series about the Shadow, with Barbara Read co-starring as Margo Lane (here explicitly Cranston’s fiancée,). A moderately interesting situation — jewels smuggled inside a casket and fatal falls — is squandered by weak writing. Fans of magazine and radio show alike …

Monogram Monday: The Shanghai Cobra (1945)

Charlie Chan investigates when bank employees are inexplicably murdered by cobra venom, and the sleuth (Sidney Toler) suspects a connection to a pre-war case that involved the same means. Adding interest to the setting is a “jukebox” which allows the patron to place a request to a live disc jockey — and this device forms …

Monogram Monday: The Scarlet Clue (1945)

A building housing an experimental radio-television station and a nearby research laboratory is the central location for this Charlie Chan mystery. As the detective (Sidney Toler) investigates a murder tied in with the station’s staff and performers, he suspects that someone may be targeting the improved radar being developed in the lab. There are a …

Monogram Monday: The Jade Mask (1945)

An unpleasant scientist works in his home, which is peopled by employees and relatives whom he mistreats, and who hate him. When he is apparently slain by his own death trap, Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) is on hand to investigate, assisted once again by one of his children (No. 4 son Eddie, played by Edwin …

Monogram Monday: Black Magic (1944)

In this series entry, also known as Meeting at Midnight, Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) investigates when a psychic is murdered during a séance his daughter Frances (Frances Chan) is attending. Birmingham Brown (Mantan Moreland), who has taken a job with the psychics because Chan is planning to return to Hawaii, is also on hand for …

Monogram Monday: The Chinese Cat (1944)

Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) investigates the locked-room murder of wealthy chess expert Thomas P. Manning (Sam Flint). He has little time to do so, as he must head back to Washington in a couple days to continue his war work. There’s a moderately effective use of a funhouse setting — I always enjoy it when …

Monogram Monday: Murder by Invitation (1941)

Old Cassie Denham has invited her relatives, who had unsuccessfully tried to have committed, to come to her house, ostensibly so she can decide who will be her heir. Murder soon ensues. After the first killing, Reporter Bob White (Wallace Ford) arrives after the first killing, and he, together with his girlfriend and his photographer, …

Monogram Monday: Charlie Chan in the Secret Service (1944)

After a hiatus, star Sidney Toler brought Charlie Chan to Monogram Pictures in this wartime mystery. A inventor working on an advanced torpedo design is killed for the plans of his invention, though the exact means of the crime are unclear initially. Charlie is called upon to sift through a houseful of suspects, including a …

Monogram Monday: Cowboy Cavalier (1948)

Bad guys set their sights on a stage line owned by a supposed widow, Mary Croft (Claire Whitney), whose husband, Patrick Collins (Steve Clark), is actually in prison. The crooks are helped by an inside man, Lance Regan (Douglas Evans), who met Mary and Patrick’s daughter, Pat Croft (Jan Bryant), on a stage and who …