George Sanders ably handles the opposition in this story of intrigue in Damascus in the early years of World War II, with Nazi agents seeking to bring the Arab tribes into the war on behalf of the Axis, and a journalist (Sanders), aided by an off-duty American diplomat (Robert Armstrong), seeking to stop them. Complicating matters is a petty criminal who trades on information (Gene Lockhart) and is cooperating with a sinister hotelier (Alan Napier), along with a mysterious and possibly enemy woman (Virginia Bruce) who nevertheless has captured the reporter’s interest, a man with at least two names (André Charlot), and a respected sheikh (H. B. Warner) and his daughter (Lenore Aubert). There’s a fair amount of action packed into the picture, but it moves along briskly nonetheless, and the cast members deliver solid performances even in minor roles.
Recommended. Otto finds this one pleasing enough to relax.