Charles Starrett, best known for his long-running series as the Durango Kid, essays an early role in this rather soapy picture. A shipwreck strands a young woman (top-billed Anita Page), her fiancé (Kenneth Thomson), the man (Starrett) she believes guilty of a murder for which her brother was imprisoned, and that man’s sidekick (Eddie Borden) on an uninhabited island, where they must survive until someday rescue may come. The woman gradually finds her attitude toward the suspected killer warming, as he shows himself a thoughtful and able person in adversity. Her fiancé, however, has sworn to bring the man back to face a trial, and his attitude only hardens, in part on account of jealousy. This is much more a drama than adventure tale, and it didn’t really work for me, despite OK performances from the leads in particular.
Not recommended. Otto thinks you should avoid this movie.