An unusual storyline set among the gods, but operating on Earth, makes this sword-and-sandal movie, originally titled Vulcano, figlio di Giove, distinctive. Jupiter (Furio Meniconi), tired of the promiscuity of his daughter Venus (Annie Gorassini), plans to give her in marriage to either Mars (Roger Browne) or Vulcan (Iloosh Khoshabe), but Venus takes matters into her own hands by joining with Mars and Pluto (Gordon Mitchell), as well as the Thracian king (Ugo Sabetta), in a rebellion aimed at overthrowing her father’s power. Will Vulcan and his newfound friends, the nymph Aetna (Bella Cortez), the dwarf Geo (Salvatore Furnari), and opponents of the king of Thrace manage to defeat not only monstrous lizard men but the alliance of rebelling deities as well? Creative and engaging.
Recommended. Otto finds this one pleasing enough to relax.
Movie 425 for 2021.