Poster for the movie Ein Käfer auf Extratour

Superbug on Extra Tour (1973)

Jimmy Bondi (Rudolf Zehegruber) and Dudu take part in a stunt show in England, but the organizer absconds with the take, so Jimmy and his car help his friend Aldo (Sal Borgese) to chase after the fellow. The pursuit eventually takes them to Switzerland, where the guys end up working in an antique car restoration garage run by Jo (Kathrin Oginski) and Jac (Evelyne Kraft) and get mixed up with bank robbers who have hidden their loot in Dudu as well as dealing with the stunt show organizer, who wants to buy the car (to resell), too. Dudu gets some new abilities in this third film, originally titled Ein Käfer auf Extratour: it can fly, and it can climb walls by straddling the space between buildings. Plenty of fun.

  Mildly recommended. Otto judiciously thinks this movie is OK, but not great.

Movie 379 for 2021.

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