Götz George stars as gunfighter Mace Carson, who agrees to take on the job of marshal in a town where outlaws are targeting the mine of crippled rancher Sam Martin (Pietro Tordi), whose son disappeared years ago, and also disrupting the business of freighter Dave Walton (Hilario Flores), who is murdered for his effort to fix things. The outlaws, including a fellow called Gringo (Dan Martin) are under the control of vengeful lawyer Ken Denton (Helmut Schmid). There’s a fair amount of action as the marshal tries to put things right, including a climactic gun battle that also leads to the revelation of the identity of Martin’s long-missing son, and a bit of romance between the marshal and the freighter’s daughter (Alexandra Stewart). There’s nothing particularly unusual here, but it is competently presented.
Mildly recommended. Otto judiciously thinks this movie is OK, but not great.
Movie 272 for 2021.