Gene Autry gets plenty of credit in many of the posters, and also at the beginning of the print I watched, as a reflection of his popularity, but this is Ken Maynard’s movie, with Autry only present with a band — and Maynard gets some dubbed singing in as well. Ken and his partner Cactus (George “Gabby” Hayes) come to a dude ranch owned by Charlie Miller (H. B. Warner). Miller has left behind him a life of crime, and a couple crooks hope to muscle in using their knowledge of his past. They also trick Cactus into betting Ken’s horse Tarzan on the outcome of a rigged horse race. Ken investigates after his loss, using some clever reasoning to foil the criminals.
Mildly recommended. Otto judiciously thinks this movie is OK, but not great.
Movie 168 for 2021.