The final film pairing Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey (their career curtailed by Bob’s illness and death the following year) sees the boys as carnies tricked into helping jewel robbers with a shipboard heist, though their misguided flight ends up landing them right at the home of the rightful owner of the stolen jewels. Complicating matters there is a kleptomaniac dog, who makes things particularly difficult when the bad guys show up in the guise of psychiatrists, who claim the boys are escaped lunatics and hope to force them to turn over the loot. Co-star Lupe Velez gets a good deal of screen time, including a musical number of her own in which she shows off her comic imitations of other Hollywood stars, such as Dolores del Rio. Watch for Jack Carson in an interesting role, too. A fun romp overall.
Recommended. Otto finds this one pleasing enough to relax.
Movie 50 for 2021.
The dog was definitely the best part. I can’t believe it didn’t get to be in the posters!